Channel 5 - Watercolour Challenge High Cross House, Dartington Estate, Devon
Channel 5 - Watercolour Challenge High Cross House, Dartington Estate, Devon

Channel 5 Watercolour Challenge TV show Series 1 Episode 4

Original en plein air painting (April 2021)

Described by Fern Britton on tv as dystopian

Filmed and painted in 3 hours on set.

Unmounted and unframed.

Winsor and Newton on Bockingford 140lb

Please use the Contact Form for more information.

TV show available via My5 catch up until 2026.

Thank you

Date: 18/09/2022

Location: Dartington, Devon

Photographer: Ashley Raddon

Pay by PayPal

High Cross House Original £520.00
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Channel 5 - Watercolour Challenge High Cross House, Dartington Estate, Devon

Channel 5 Watercolour Challenge TV show Series 1 Episode 4

Original en plein air painting (April 2021)

Described by Fern Britton on tv as dystopian

Filmed and painted in 3 hours on set.

Unmounted and unframed.

Winsor and Newton on Bockingford 140lb

Please use the Contact Form for more information.

TV show available via My5 catch up until 2026.

Thank you

Date: 18/09/2022

Location: Dartington, Devon

Photographer: Ashley Raddon

Pay by PayPal

High Cross House Original £520.00
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